
Now the most important thing for us is to find like-minded people. The artificial intelligence project, based on an unusual algorithm, gives very interesting results. Their interpretation, possibilities and various applications require careful consideration and discussion.
Therefore, we invite all interested parties to discuss and debate. The most active will be accepted into our team.

In parallel with the development of the modules MyIntAs all this time he was working at the Startup. At the moment, formed a team of key professionals, developing project MyIntAs. Proved the concept of promoting a start-up, drafted the first version of the Business plan. Developed motivation and system of joining partners in the project. Start the search for a strategic investor.

Changed the URL of the Site. Instead MyIntAs.Ru now, the main URL of the site was MyIntAs.Com and was the first alias of the site.

On January, 9th, 2016 Domain names have been registered:, and Realisation the conceived Project on model of Iskustvennogo of Intelligence has from this point on begun for a long time actually.

Preparation of materials, organizational questions and actually creation of Site MyIntAs, ru have occupied exactly year. And here we, at last can present the new undertaking.