
Project support

My intelligent assistant MyIntAs project, which over the years developed at their own expense.
We are sure that the technologies incorporated in this model are very promising, and fundamentally distinguish it from the models used in the well-known "Virtual assistants". In osnovnom such models are actively promoted in the West.

In parallel with the development of the modules MyIntAs all this time he was working at the Startup. At the moment, formed a team of key professionals, developing project MyIntAs. Proved the concept of promoting a start-up, drafted the first version of the Business plan. Developed motivation and system of joining partners in the project. Start the search for a strategic investor.

Changed the URL of the Site. Instead MyIntAs.Ru now, the main URL of the site was MyIntAs.Com and was the first alias of the site.


Till now financing of Project MyIntAs was carried out at the expense of own means. But rough splash in interest to Intellectual assistants compels us to address now for additional investments to accelerate an exit of ready products. Financing is necessary for attraction of highly professional programmers, on purchase of the allocated powerful servers and other necessary expenses.

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